The UNG Alumni Association’s Young Alumni Board is requesting nominations from University of North Georgia young alumni and friends for the 20 Under 40 Program. This recognition was established to honor members of the UNG Family for extraordinary accomplishments, significant professional achievements, or distinguished service to others.
Qualified nominees must meet the following criteria:
This will be a nomination-based process; self-nominations will be accepted.
UNG young alumni must be under the age of 40 at the time of their nomination.
An individual that makes a substantial impact in their industry, field, or community.
Demonstrates UNG ideals and values.
The selection committee will be reviewing nomination forms to see if they demonstrate a comprehensive approach to UNG values. Please include as much detail as possible.
Have attained prominence in their business, profession or vocational endeavors and/or performed distinguished community service locally, regionally, nationally and/or globally.
Nominations may be made by alumni or friends of UNG and will be considered for two years, one additional year after the original year of nomination. Updated information may be added to a nomination packet during the second year of nomination.
The completed nomination form must be submitted electronically.
Incomplete nominations or nominations received after the deadline of March 31st, at 5:00 p.m. EST will not be accepted. The UNG Young Alumni Board will announce selections on September 1st.
Chosen recipients will be honored at a reception on October 20th, Gold Rush Friday. Details TBD.
Meet the 2024 Honorees
For additional information, membership status or assistance, contact Jared Patterson at jared.patterson@ung.edu.