Membership Monday
What is Membership Monday?
Membership Monday is an exciting day at the UNG Alumni Association (UNGAA)! This 24-hour membership raising event serves to grow and strengthen our UNGAA family. UNGAA’s mission is to support the voice of alumni and to strengthen programs that bring value to alumni as they enter the workforce and pursue their dreams.
Our goal this year is to repeat last year’s astounding achievement of 300 memberships in a single day, and we need YOUR support to make it happen! Show your support, spread the word, and help us reach 300 memberships in one exhilarating day. Your alma mater needs you, and together, we can make it happen!
This challenge is for those who like to burn their energy late at night or into the early morning. Be one of the first alumni to become a member between midnight and 2:00am on Feb 3, 2024.
The first 10 alumni to activate their membership can win a prize!
2024 Winner: Jared Norrell ‘94
“The early bird gets the worm” so the saying goes. Be one of the first alumni to become a member between 4:00am and 7:00am on February 3, 2024.
The first 10 alumni to activate their membership can win a UNGAA Tumbler!
2024 Winner: Lori Keller ‘98
This challenge is inspired by UNG President Shannon’s energy and his bold ask for us to “Run Into our Calling.” In true fashion, Running Into our Calling sets a bold goal of 300 members on Membership Monday.
If we reach that goal, one lucky UNGAA member will win a pair of our newly designed Nighthawk branded Nike Shoe.
2024 winner: Peggy Gill Jordan ‘82
Join forces with your former classmates to become this year’s Class of the Decade!
Alumni from all class years can participate in this vigorous class competition. Each class will be competing throughout the day for a year worth of Braggin’ Rights.
Each decade will have a winning Class. Top classes are those with the highest number of active members by 11:59pm on Feb 3, 2025.
One lucky member from the winning class will also receive a prize from our UNG store.
2024 Decade Winner: Decade of the 80s
Alumni who were involved in Greek chapters during student years can participate in this challenge.
Each Greek Chapter will be competing throughout the day for a year worth of Braggin’ Rights.
The UNGAA will recognize the top Fraternity and top Sorority that show the highest number of active members by 11:59pm on Feb 3, 2025.
A lucky winner from each winning organization will receive a prize from our store.
2024 Sorority Champion: Phi Mu 2024 Fraternity Champion: Sigma Chi
Each Company will be competing throughout the day for a year worth of Braggin’ Rights.
The UNGAA will recognize the top Corp Company that shows the highest number of active members by 11:59pm on Feb 3, 2025.
A lucky member of the winning Company will receive a prize from the UNG store.
2024 Corp Company Champion: Bravo & Charlie (Tie)
Attention UNG Faculty and Staff Alumni! It’s time to show your pride and support your alma mater.
Join the True Blue & Gold Challenge by activating your UNGAA membership by the end of Membership Monday at 11:59PM of February 3, 2025.
All participants will be recognized for their commitment and entered to win an exciting prize! Don’t miss your chance to make an impact and celebrate your connection to UNG.
Stay warm and show your UNG pride. Activate a UNGAA & Women of UNG Bundle Membership and select the Auto Renewal option to receive a cozy UNG scarf as a thank-you gift.
Hurry—scarves are limited, so don’t miss out! Bundle up today!
Be on the lookout for an UNGAA Facebook and Instagram post scheduled at noon requesting alumni to tag five (5) former classmates on the comment section.
Be one of the first ten (10) alumni to tag five (5) former classmates on the comment section of our post to win a prize from our UNG store!
2024 Facebook Winner: Rachel Zettler ’18 2024
Instagram Winner: Rebecca Floyd ‘20 -
Let’s fill all U.S. States with UNGAA Members!
Be the first to activate your membership in your U.S. state and help us turn the map UNG Gold across all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. As a trailblazer for your state, you can win a prize for representing your alma mater across America.
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For additional information about Membership Monday, please contact Annual Giving Officer, Alberto Perez at alberto.perez@ung.edu.