University of North Georgia Alumni Association, Inc. (UNGAA) Board of Directors
Association Name: The name of the Association is the University of North Georgia (UNG) Alumni Association, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Association” or “UNGAA”).
Association Mission: The Association promotes the mission of UNG by effectively engaging alumni, encouraging financial support, and serving as a conduit of communication between alumni and the University.
Association Objectives:
Serving as a voice for the University to alumni and from alumni to the University
Fostering support for the University by encouraging alumni to offer their time, talent, and philanthropic support
Promoting alumni engagement with the University and with fellow alumni
Preserving the heritage and traditions of the University
Supporting the preservation of the University as a Senior Military College
Board Composition: The Association is governed by a Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”) that consists of not less than 15 and no more than 25 members, of which four are officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer).
Board Purpose: The purpose of the Board is to ensure fulfillment of the Association mission and objectives by approving, disapproving, or initiating relevant policies and programs.
Board Committees: The following are standing committees:
Executive – Oversees the activities of all committees and the Association
Governance – Ensures fulfillment of legal, ethical, and functional responsibilities of the Association; recruits and nominates Board members, and monitors Board activities
Membership/Communications – Advises the Alumni Association staff on strategies for recruiting new Alumni members and for retaining existing Alumni members and for development of the strategic communications and marketing plan to generate support among the Alumni.
Awards – Develops the selection procedures and reviews nominations for Association awards and scholarships
Finance/Affinity – Manages the Association funds, formulates financial policies and reviews operations and activities on a periodic basis, and offers products and services that will strengthen alumni and friends ties to each other and to the University.
Events– Acts as a liaison between the Board and Alumni Association staff for event planning and execution.
Board Member Expectations:
Be an active (dues paying) member of the Association.
Serve on the Board for two consecutive years with an option to serve an additional two consecutive years. Annual term of service is 1 July – 30 June.
Dedicate the time and energy necessary for the success of the Association -- serving on the Board includes more than attending scheduled Board meetings.
Attend no less than three (3) of the four (4) Board meetings each fiscal year, prepare for agenda items and issues, and study supporting material. If unable to attend a Board meeting, notify the Office of Alumni Relations and submit in advance of the meeting a written response related to action items on the agenda.
Participate in Board activities and discussions by voicing opinions, displaying leadership, thinking strategically and creatively, and respecting the opinions of other Board members. Offer ideas to make the Board and the Association more meaningful to the alumni and the UNG.
Participate as an active member of one of the Board committees.
Provide timely responses to Association requests and notices.
Possess a thorough understanding of the UNG mission and the Association’s mission, objectives, programs and services, including a working knowledge of the Association By-laws and policies.
Remain knowledgeable about UNG and the Office of Alumni Relations by reading relevant e-mails, periodically visiting the UNGAA website, and reading UNGAA literature.
Serve as an alumni ambassador by raising the visibility of the Association and its programs and services, and by advocating for UNG. This will involve talking with prospective students, meeting with other alumni, attending local chapter events, speaking at local civic groups, and other similar activities.
Participate in Association events at the UNG campuses and in the local geographic area of residence.
Attend the annual Alumni Awards Luncheon during the UNG Alumni Weekend each April and yearly scheduled class reunion events.
Serve as a resource to the Office of Alumni Relations in identifying alumni event volunteers, regional contacts, and other alumni volunteers based on current needs/priorities.
Set a strong example of philanthropy to UNG by contributing financially to the UNG Foundation each fiscal year at a level that is personally achievable and meaningful.
Identify and/or nominate alumni who should be candidates for Board membership.
Identify and/or nominate worthy individuals for annual alumni award recognition.
Maintain the confidentiality of Board deliberations when they involve matters of a sensitive nature, personal giving, or other similar subject.
Support diversity and inclusion.
Receive no compensation for service or travel associated with Board duties. (NOTE: Travel expenses are deductible in accordance with IRS rules)
Complete an UNG orientation provided by the Office of Alumni Relations within three months of becoming a Board member.
Board Membership Nominations:
Nomination Forms –
Nominations for Board membership may be submitted by an existing Board member, an ex-officio member of the Association, an active member of the Association, or by oneself. Either online or written nominations are acceptable using the format at the Enclosure.
For online nominations, utilize the online Nomination Form and follow the instructions for completion and submission of the nomination form no later than 30 November for Board membership commencing on 1 July of that year.
For written nominations, complete the nomination form in pen and submit it to the Office of Alumni Relations no later than 30 November for Board membership commencing on 1 July of that year.
Nomination Timeline –
NLT 15 July – Publicize the nomination process in UNG and alumni media
NLT 1 September – Nomination period opens for Board membership commencing the following 1 July
NLT 30 November – Nomination period ends. All nomination forms must be received by the Office of Alumni Relations for Board membership commencing 1 July of that year
1 December to the Winter Board Meeting (normally February) – Governance Committee prepares the recommended slate, forwards the slate to the Executive Committee for approval, and provides the recommended slate to Board members for review before the Winter Board meeting
Winter Board Meeting (Normally February) – Board approves slate of new Board members that is to be presented at the Annual Association Meeting for election
Annual Association Meeting (April) – Election of new Board members
1 July – Newly elected Board members commence service on the Board
Use the Nomination Form for submitting nominations.
Deadline for submission of nominations to the Office of Alumni Relations is 30 November for Board membership commencing the following July.
Printed and mailed nomination forms are welcome, but must be received by the Office of Alumni Relations no later than the end of business 30 November for Board membership commencing the following July. Please use ink.
Questions: For questions, please contact Office of Alumni Relations (Wendi Huguley) @ (706) 864-1545 or