The Fruits of Giving — Why I Give

Several years ago, on a flight between Atlanta and Las Vegas, the parents of a high school student nearing graduation were talking to a passenger seated next to them. Their discussion led to the subject of where their son might attend college. The Las Vegas residents happened to mention that their son, Yakir, might be interested in military service.

The passenger, a North Georgia College graduate, told them that he highly recommended the University of North Georgia. He explained that UNG was the best Leadership institution in the country and that students from all over the nation received in-state tuition if they were in the Corps of Cadets. He went on to explain his experience and many other reasons why UNG is the perfect place to receive an affordable, high-quality education and the opportunity to serve in the Armed Forces or various other National Services.

Yakir applied and was accepted to UNG. In 2022, he received the Dill Family Scholarship to ease his financial burden and struck a unique and personal connection to the Dill family. Given his geographic separation from family, he leaned on opportunities to embrace his home away from home by keeping in close contact with the Dills. When his family could not attend his Distinguished Military Student banquet in September 2023, Yakir invited the Dills to attend and be his family.

Every recipient of the Dill Family Scholarship is special, but this one stands out as exceptionally fruitful because of the relationship cultivated with an out-of-state student who was not afraid to create a local family relationship and complete his UNG journey to graduation and commissioning.

2nd Lieutenant Yakir Mufson graduated and earned his commission as a 2LT of Field Artillery in the United States Army on May 6, 2024.

This is but one of many reasons - - Why I give.

Join with the Corps Advisory Council in supporting the Georgia Gold, American Treasure initiative that supports the UNG Corps of Cadets with Scholarships, Operations & Program Support, and Facilities & Infrastructure. Your generosity helps to attract, retain, and graduate leaders of character.  Thank you for making your gift today (click here)


UNG Alumni share in promotions at Bank of Madison